An 0.9 × 1.2", low power, energy-harvesting system with custom multi-channel communication interface

An 0.9 × 1.2", low power, energy-harvesting system with custom multi-channel communication interface
Phillip Stanley-Marbel and Diana Marculescu. ACM conference on design, automation and test in Europe (DATE '07).
An 0.9 × 1.2″, low power, energy-harvesting system with custom multi-channel communication interface | Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe


Presented is a self-powered computing system, Sunflower, that uses a novel combination of a PIN photodiode array, switching regulators, and a supercapacitor, to provide a small footprint renewable energy source. The design provides software-controlled power-adaptation facilities, for both the main processor and its peripherals. The system's power consumption is characterized, and its energy-scavenging efficiency is quantified with field measurements under a variety of weather conditions.

Cite as:

Phillip Stanley-Marbell and Diana Marculescu. 2007. An 0.9 × 1.2", low power, energy-harvesting system with custom multi-channel communication interface. In Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe (DATE '07). EDA Consortium, San Jose, CA, USA, 15–20.


author = {Stanley-Marbell, Phillip and Marculescu, Diana},
title = {An 0.9 \texttimes{} 1.2", Low Power, Energy-Harvesting System with Custom Multi-Channel Communication Interface},
year = {2007},
isbn = {9783981080124},
publisher = {EDA Consortium},
address = {San Jose, CA, USA},
pages = {15–20},
numpages = {6},
location = {Nice, France},
series = {DATE '07}