Warp: A Hardware Platform for Efficient Multimodal Sensing With Adaptive Approximation
Warp: A Hardware Platform for Efficient Multimodal Sensing With Adaptive Approximation
In this article, we present Warp, the first open hardware platform designed explicitly to support research in approximate computing. Warp incorporates 21 sensors, computation, and circuit-level facilities designed explicitly to enable approximate computing research, in a 3.6 cm × 3.3 cm × 0.5 cm dev…
A Hardware Platform for Efficient Multi-Modal Sensing with Adaptive Approximation
We present Warp, a hardware platform to support research in approximatecomputing, sensor energy optimization, and energy-scavenged systems. Warpincorporates 11 state-of-the-art sensor integrated circuits, computation, andan energy-scavenged power supply, all within a miniature system that is just…
GitHub - physical-computation/Warp-hardware: Hardware for the Cambridge Physical Computation Laboratory’s Warp Embedded Multi-Sensor Platform.
Hardware for the Cambridge Physical Computation Laboratory's Warp Embedded Multi-Sensor Platform. - GitHub - physical-computation/Warp-hardware: Hardware for the Cambridge Physical Computation ...
GitHub - physical-computation/Warp-firmware: Firmware for the Cambridge Physical Computation Laboratory’s Warp Embedded Multi-Sensor Platform.
Firmware for the Cambridge Physical Computation Laboratory's Warp Embedded Multi-Sensor Platform. - GitHub - physical-computation/Warp-firmware: Firmware for the Cambridge Physical Computation ...
In this article, we present Warp, the first open hardware platform designed explicitly to support research in approximate computing. Warp incorporates 21 sensors, computation, and circuit-level facilities designed explicitly to enable approximate computing research, in a 3.6 cm × 3.3 cm × 0.5 cm device. Warp supports a wide range of precision and accuracy versus power and performance tradeoffs.
Cite as:
P. Stanley-Marbell and M. Rinard, "Warp: A Hardware Platform for Efficient Multimodal Sensing With Adaptive Approximation," in IEEE Micro, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 57-66, 1 Jan.-Feb. 2020, doi: 10.1109/MM.2019.2951004.
author={Stanley-Marbell, Phillip and Rinard, Martin},
journal={IEEE Micro},
title={Warp: A Hardware Platform for Efficient Multimodal Sensing With Adaptive Approximation},