Newton: A Language for Describing Physics

This article introduces Newton, a specification language for notating the analytic form, units of measure, and sensor signal properties for physical-object-specific invariants and general physical laws. We designed Newton to provide a means for hardware designers (e.g., sensor integrated circuit manufacturers, computing hardware architects, or mechanical engineers) to specify properties of the physical environments in which embedded computing systems will be deployed (e.g., a sensing platform deployed on a bridge versus worn by a human). Compilers and other program analysis tools for embedded systems can use a library interface to the Newton compiler to obtain information about the sensors, sensor signals, and inter-signal relationships imposed by the structure and materials properties of a given physical system. The information encoded within Newton specifications could enable new compile-time transformations that exploit information about the physical world.
Cite as:
Lim, Jonathan, and Phillip Stanley-Marbell. "Newton: A language for describing physics." arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.04626 (2018).
title={Newton: A language for describing physics},
author={Lim, Jonathan and Stanley-Marbell, Phillip},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.04626},